Proficiency Policy

Proficiency Policy


The student must possess a valid proficiency certificates of English in one of the following or an equivalent; according to the specified score:

Engineering  1100 500 61 173 5
Pharmacy 1100 500 61 173 5
Law 950 450 -- -- 4.5
Education, Humanities and Social Sciences
950 450 -- -- 4.5
Business 1100 500 61 173 5
Communication and Media 950 450 -- -- 4.5

Bachelor programs of the College of Education, Humanities and social sciences that are taught in Arabic do not require a proficiency certificate in English, but all undergraduate students who do not bring a proficiency certificate in English are subject to the English language placement exam held by the University.


English Level

  1. The student who has not submitted a certificate of proficiency in English with the application to join the university must take the English language placement exam held by the University, which could lead to one of the following cases:
    In the case that the student achieves a mark in the English language placement exam that exempts him/her from studying the level, then:
    • If registered in an undergraduate program that require the certificate of proficiency in اEnglish TOEFL at a score of 500 or IELTS at the score of 5 or EmSAT at the score of 1100, and its equivalent, then the student may register for a maximum of 18 credit hours from the GUE requirements until a certificate of proficiency in English is submitted.
    • If registered in a Bachelor’s program of the college of law or the college of communication and media, which require a certificate of proficiency in English at a score of 450, IELTS at a score of 4.5 or EmSAT at a score of 950 and equivalent, then he/she can enroll in the GUE courses until a certificate of proficiency in English with the required mark is submitted.
  2. In the event that the student does not obtain the required mark for exemption, the student is required to enroll in the “Intensive Remedial English” course for all disciplines of the Bachelor programs in the event that he does not bring a certificate of proficiency in English. In such case the student, In addition to the IRE course, can also register in the following:
    • Any of the GUE courses taught in Arabic, in case of undergraduate programs that require the English certificate of proficiency TOEFL with score of 500 or IELTS score of 5 or EmSAT with the score of 1100 or its equivalent.
    • Any of the GUE courses taught in Arabic only, if enrolled in the Bachelor programs of the College of law and the College of communication and media until submitting the certificate of proficiency in English TOEFL at a score of 450 or IELTS at a score of 4.5 or EmSAT at a rate of 1100 or equivalent

An exception is if the student is enrolled in the undergraduate disciplines of the College of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, where the student can enroll in the general university requirements courses taught in Arabic only in addition to the college /specialty courses within the academic burden

Students may drop the “IRE” course if they obtain at least 450 in TOEFL ITP, or Band 4.5 in IELTS, or their equivalence; taking into consideration AAU regulations and the academic calendar.


Arabic Language Proficiency Certificate (EMSAT):
Students must pass the EmSAT in Arabic with a minimum score of 1000 to enroll in Bachelor’s degree programs taught in Arabic: College of Law, College of Education, Humanities and social sciences, and College of communication and media.

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