Course Grading System

Course Grading System


AAU uses a letter system to record the students’ final results in a course. Each letter is converted to points that are used in calculating the semester grade point average (SGPA) and cumulative grade point average (CGPA).

Bachelor and Professional Diploma in Teaching Degrees

Students will be assigned grades (letters) for each course in which they have enrolled. The letter reflects student’s achievement in the course. The minimum grade for passing a course is letters (D) and grades are written in letters according to the following table:

90-100 A 4.0
85-89 B+ 3.5
80-84 B 3.0
75-79 C+ 2.5
70-74 C 2.0
65-69 D+ 1.5
60-64 D 1.0
< 60 F 0
- FA Fail due to absence
- P Pass
- I Incomplete
- T Transfer
- CA Cancelled
- W Withdraw

Master Degree

The minimum grade for passing a course is letters (C) and grades are written in letters according to the following table:

90-100 A 4.0
85-89 B+ 3.5
80-84 B 3.0
75-79 C+ 2.5
70-74 C 2.0
< 70 F 0
- FA Fail Due to Absence
- P Pass
- I Incomplete
- T Transfer
- CA Cancelled
- W Withdraw


Calculation of Grade Point Averages

  • The SGPA is calculated by multiplying the grade of each course by the number of the course’s credit hours, and then dividing the total by the number of total credit hours taken by the student in the semester.
  • The CGPA is calculated by multiplying the grade of each course by the number of the course’s credit hours, and then dividing the total of all courses by the number of total credit hours taken for all previous semesters.

GPA Rating

The SGPA and CGPA are categorized according to the following ratings:

Bachelor and Professional Diploma in Teaching Degrees

Grade PointEvaluation
3.6 - 4.00 Excellent
3.0 - 3.59 Very Good
2.5 - 2.99 Good
2.0 - 2.49 Satisfactory
Less than 2.0 Unsatisfactory

Master Degree 

Grade Point Evacuation
3.70 - 4.00 Excellent
3.30 - 3.69 Very Good
3.00 - 3.29 Good
Less than 3.00 Unsatisfactory


Incomplete Grades

A student who is unable to attend the final examination of a course due to extenuating circumstances during the final examination period, may seek an incomplete grade “I” for that course.

  • The student must submit an “Incomplete” application form which is available from the Admission and Registration Unit within five working days of the final exam.
  • A student should provide a valid excuse to the Dean explaining with reasons for not attending the final exam.
  • The student must compile at least 36% in the coursework and midterm exam or equivalent.
  • The student must take the final exam for the course no later than the end of the second week of the following semester, if the student is registered in that semester; otherwise an “F” is recorded for that course.
  • A student is not allowed to apply for an appeal when recording an ‘I’ in the final exam.

Appealing a Final Exam Grade

A student has the right to appeal a final exam result in any course under the following conditions:

  • The student must complete an appeal form and submit it to the Admission and Registration Unit within five working days of the announcement of the final grades
  • The Admission and Registration Unit submits the appeal form to the specified college responsible for that course. The college will then respond within seven days of receiving the form.
  • The College Dean forms a committee of three faculty members to revise the final exam paper. The revision will be guided by an answer key which is prepared by the course instructor.
  • If an error is found, the course instructor will correct it and submit the result to the Registrar General and Admission and Registration Unit a ter receiving the approval of the College Dean.
  • The decision of the college is final.

Re-sit Exams

  • If an undergraduate student fails one course in the semester in which he/ she is supposed to graduate, the student is allowed to re-sit that final exam after obtaining the approval of the College Dean and paying the required fees. The student’s name can be added to the list of graduating students for that semester if he/she has fulfilled all of the graduation requirements.
  • If the student fails the final exam, he/she must retake the course in the following semester.

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